Sponsored Off Campus Events and Happy Hours — American Student Dental Association


Thank you for your interest in hosting an off-campus event! Houston ASDA appreciates your efforts in educating and informing our students about the dental profession along with opportunities available to them in the future.

Please contact our social chairs, Eman Rustom (Eman.A.Rustom@uth.tmc.edu) and Michael Landavazo (Michael.J.Landavazo@uth.tmc.edu), and provide them with at least three dates that work with your schedule. They will be in charge of arranging the event with the venue of your choice. In addition, please let them know your preferences regarding the questions below. As part of your company’s exposure to our students, we ask for a $200 advertising fee which can be paid through the link provided on this page if you wish to have all 4 classes at the event. If your event targets our third and fourth year dental students, we ask for a $150 advertising fee. This fee covers all advertisement for the event including flyers, social media posts, and e-mails to our student body. It is our goal to provide you with an engaging audience, so that you are able to reach out to our future dental professionals.


Off Campus Event or Happy Hour
from $150.00
ASDA HH group.jpg


What is your budget for the event (excluding the advertisement fee)?

In the past, we have had bar functions with drinks and/or appetizers provided. Our social chairs can help you decide how much to allocate to food and beverages.

 Is there a location of your preference to hold the event?

Please let us know if you have a particular venue in mind. If this is not the case, we have a list of popular locations in the Houston area and can help you decide. 

 Who is your target audience?

Typically, off-campus events are most successful when all dental classes are invited, leading to a greater student turn out. If you prefer to host the event for upperclassmen only, please let us know.

 How many students would you like to see at this event?

We usually see anywhere from 30-70 students attend these events. From the three dates provided, we will pick the date that best suits our class schedule in order to maximize attendance.

 What type of presentation would you like to have for your company at the event?

Generally, representatives talk to our students individually or in small groups and/ or have a small presentation. Please let us know what kind of arrangements you need in order to have a successful event. Several venues are able to set up a projector, if needed.

 How many representatives will you have at the event?

The more the merrier, of course. It will help to have multiple representatives, so that you can reach out to as many students as possible.